“The Famous Five” is a well-known novel series about the five children who investigate several mysterious cases and solve the secrecy behind them. The series was written by Enid Blyton and it completely focused children’s interest. The first ever book, “Five on a Treasure Island” was released in 1942 and was greatly cherished by the readers.
The detective series involved four children Julian, George, Anne and Dick along with their dog, Timmy that investigate the cases in their own way and solve the mystery behind them.
Apart from this illustrious series, Enid Blyton has written many other mystery novels like “The Secret Seven” and “Five Find Outers and Dog” to name a few. Enid has written a total of twelve novels on famous Five which became the best selling series in the market.
In the year 1953, a total of six million copies were sold and currently two million copies are sold every year making it one of the most popular series appreciated by the children. In addition to this, most of the novels written by Enid including Famous Five have been featured in the television series.
Dick, Julian and Anne are brothers and sister that are sent to Uncle Quentin and Aunt Fanny’s place during their holidays. Uncle and Aunt have a tomboy daughter named Georgina who loves to be called as George and she also has a mongrel dog, Timmy.
Georgina’s dog accompanies the four children in all the ventures and helps them while solving the mystery. The adventures start when the four children return from their boarding schools during their holidays and get involved in solving the mysteries. The location for every adventure changes from book to book, as the island is owned by George and his family.
There are several tunnels and secret passages that create a situation of investigation for the four children and the dog.
Their way of investigating the cases is really interesting which engrosses the readers in the story so that they can enjoy the ending part. Most of the homes that children visit in the stories are hundred years old and have various tunnels and passages which create the sensation of investigation in the story.
In some of the stories written by Enid Blyton, some other children also join the group of four children and dog so as to help them in finding the evidences regarding the mysteries. Some newcomers in the series like Sooty and Tinker were really admired by the group of five, while kids like Jo and Henrietta were disliked a lot by them.
Enid Blyton revealed that the character of George was based on a real life kid and she later on admitted that George portrayed her own self. In addition to this, there were no evidences that proved that the children were aging as the new series were published, rather they grew up just a few years. All the children were between the ages of 11 to 13 and remain almost the same in all the series. All the different novels have been admired a lot by the people making it a bestselling story.