T. J. Hooker is an American police drama television program telecast on ABC-TV. The creator of series is Rick Husky. The role of T.J. Hooker is William Shatner who holds around 15-years of experience in the crime investigation and as police sergeant. He is a plain cloth veteran detective who returns as patrol sergeant after the murder of his professional partner and friend; and later returned as beat sergeant to make the streets free of the criminals and heinous crimes as committed on his partner.
As a trainer, T.J. Hooker lends helping hand to the academy recruits, and he’s also helped by his new and young partner Vince Romano (Adrian Zmed). Vince is an aggressive and impatient sergeant who is often guided and advised by T.J. Hooker, both at professional and personal level. There’s huge age difference back between Hooker and Romano, but this doesn’t thwarts anybody to get out of the relationship circumference. In fact, this age relationship serves as the means to provide strong relationship to both of them, and very soon both of them become good and committed friends.
T.J. Hooker is a busy sergeant, and it is his busy work schedule that he is not able to handle the family life, which created hiatus amongst him and his wife. But on a personal front, T.J. Hooker is a good human being, and even after separation, he maintains affable relationship with his ex-wife. Hooker’s ex-wife is a committed and dedicated nurse. Her name is Fran.
Through the disposition he shows, Hooker is a completely committed woman’s man, who’s now learning to remain single and happy. He’s trying to beat the loneliness by working more hard in his professional career. As a professional, Hooker portrays a tough demeanour, and it is his rigid attitude that makes him enter into clashes with station Captain Sheridan (Richard Herd). However, he is smart enough to get his work done in time, and as the result, Hooker is respected for it. He has earned respectable name in his department, among the working juniors and everybody out there.
During the second season of the series, gorgeous Officer Stacy Sheridan (Heather Locklear), who’s the daughter of Captain Sheridan, comes to serve under Hooker’s and Corrigan’s command. In the third season, Hooker and Romano (Unit 4-Adam-30), and Stacy and Corrigan (4-Adam-16), work as two separate teams to solve complex cases.
The demeanour of Hooker is recognized at higher levels amongst his professional partners. He’s unique intellect and analytical viewpoint that makes him an instant decision maker. At times, when things out of control, it is Hooker’s circumspect that comes into play, which finally makes the things run back on the track.
Even the professional critics of T.J. Hooker acknowledge his circumspect. While watching the action and analytics of T.J. Hooker working out there, you’d never feel bored. Every action plays through time and space, and this helps in creating perfect onscreen adventure.
T.J. Hooker is a professional who has a level headed brain and the balance to act on time as always and under any kind of circumstance.