
Shotgun Slade, played by Scott Brady, was an American western television series that was aired from Oct. 24, 1959 until 1961. The series was created and produced by Frank Gruber and it was a Shotgun/Revue Production for MCA.

Shotgun Slade had a few characteristics which made the series unique. The first quirk was his profession. Instead of being a marshal, a sheriff or a wandering gunfighter, Slade was a private detective who was hired by individuals to trace criminals, return purloined money and other consistent activities.

The second quirk was his weapon. Slade carried a combination shotgun that had an upper and a lower barrel. From the lower barrel he was able to fire a 12-gauge shotgun shell and from the top barrel he could fire a 32 calibre rifle bullet.

This gun gave Slade the ability to fire at close and distant targets with the same amount of accuracy.

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