Detective novels are cherished a lot by the readers and this is the reason that writers like Dorothy L. Sayers became so popular among the people. Dorothy L. Sayers created a fictional detective character Lord Peter Death Bredon Wimsey which was popularly known by the name Lord Peter Wimsey.
The fictional character was featured in different detective novel series where he solves murder mysteries and other cases. Wimsey has been described to be born in the year 1890. This character is not too handsome to be discussed and has a beaked nose, but his sharp mind makes him a recognized personality.
While studying in the Oxford University, he played cricket and had brilliant athletic ability in him. Wimsey received first class degree in his subject of interest, that is, history and after that he immediately joined British Army. He was promoted as Major in Rifle Brigade for his excellent performance in World War I and dedication to the national army. In the army itself, Sergeant Bunter and Lord Peter Wimsey became good friends and cared for each other.

After some time, Wimsey was departed back to home, as he was suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. After the Word War I ended, Wimsey was not well and so he rested in his ancestral house which was about 15 miles from the main city. After knowing that Wimsey is resting at his ancestral place, Sergeant Bunter helps him to take his position back as Major and shifts him to a flat in London.
After recovering from the illness a bit, Wimsey starts investigating things to solve different cases. By that time chief Inspector becomes his friend and Wimsey investigates different matters just as a hobby. After some months, Wimsey feels that he is not completely well to take over all the investigations, so he decides to move on to a holiday. When he actually started working as a private detective, he was 40 years old and began to investigate the case where his older brother Gerald, also Duke of Denver was accused for assassinating his sister’s fiancé.
After a few months, Wimsey recruits Miss Climpson so as to run an undercover women’s agency, but in the later years, she starts assisting Lord Peter Wimsey in his cases. She assisted Wimsey in her first investigation case where a cancer patient dies sceptically.
Wimsey in other Characters
Lord Peter Wimsey originally appeared in different stories and became a highly esteemed character for the detective novels. In one of the stories named “The Adventurous Exploit of the Cave of Ali Baba”, Wimsey plays the game where he shows himself dead and only a few people including his mother, sister, Sergeant and Inspector knows that he is still alive. In one of his stories, he also falls in love with a lady “Harriet Deborah Vane” and even proposes her for marriage, but she courteously declines his proposal. All the characters of Lord Peter Wimsey have been greatly treasured by the readers and this is what makes him one of the best fictional private eye detectives.