Female homicide detective in Philadelphia, Lily Rush alias Kathryn Morris is the lead character in the American television series titled Cold Case. The series is America’s popular police procedural television series, which went live on September 28, 2003 on CBS.
Lily Rush has the experience and tact to work on cold cases with the support of her partner Scotty Valens. As Lilly Rush opines, “People shouldn’t be forgotten, even if they’re my kind of people. Maybe, they don’t have a lot of money, they don’t have lawyers, but they matter.”
The background life of Lilly was not smooth and easy going. She had all the troubles of having been brought up on charity by Ellen Rush –the alcoholic mother. Lilly was completely neglected of motherly love. As the result, she started earning for her living apart from caring about the upbringing her younger sister.
Christina Rush. When Lilly was just ten years of age, her mother used to send her late night to procure alcohol from the market, and in one such event, Lilly was robbed and beaten mercilessly by a street man out there.
Lilly suffered from many injuries including broken jaw, and later she was nursed by the Ray Williams, who later became close to each other, falling short of marriage, as they didn’t went to court house even after coming to Nashville.
As the life passes, Lilly tells her boy friend Joseph Shaw about her engagement with Ray Williams, and also clarifies Joseph that he’s not from the genre of those settling down types. She further cohorts that it is mere lack of interest in the very class of men gentry that makes her alone most of the times.
And the clear example of her lack of interest towards the males can be seen during the childhood times when her father made a walkout and also during the times when Patrick, with whom Lilly was once married when she was in the position of beat cop cheated her as he made passes towards her sister Christina.
The most challenging and amazing cases of detective Lilly were when she hunts for a serial killer who used to stalk his victims like a monster and killed them brutally. One of victim’s bodies Janet Lambert is spotted by hikers in the wildlife preserve. Later investigations ultimately lead to cold case squad only to find 8 decapitated bodies.
And as the development of case happens, all eyes go suspicious on George Marks, who’s finally brought to the interview room. When the members of the team question George, he tries several times to irritate the team members until finally Lilly comes into the picture, who finally gets George to confess that he has committed gruesome murders. At this George alludes to dark past of Lilly, and why she became a detective cop.
Later after few months, Lilly was successful in presenting the proofs that George was not only responsible of committing heinous crimes but was also responsible of killing her mother. Lilly is a brave detective cop, who does justice to all the actions and brings poetic justice.