Lemmy Caution (played by Eddie Constantine) is the fictional detective character who was created by British crime fiction writer Reginald Evelyn Peter Southouse Cheyney. Peter wrote popular novels, many of which were based on the crime and the corruption. Lemmy is one of the popular crime investigator who dominated the life and crime committed in the London city.
Lemmy has the intuitive mind which he uses at crime scenes to gathers the evidence and begins to rework the facts that eventually led to the crime. He is the crime investigator of the rarest sorts who has the abilities of psychological thinking mixed with the intuitive intelligence.
What makes Lemmy as the person favourite of the police authorities is his presentation of the crime facts that he collects from various sources.
He analyzes one fact against the other and finds out what were the reasons that ultimately led to the crime. He is helped by the assistants in solving the cases of grave nature. You can expect him of doing all the things that are otherwise not possible or expected of a normal person, and that’s why Lemmy makes a great professional investigator by all the means.
There are many critical situations during the investigations when he takes the help from his professional cronies, but, at the end it is his sound intellect and crime analysis that eventually helps him to come out of the black dragnet. Crime is committed night and day, and considering the very seriousness, you can get to know Lemmy and his intuitive reasoning working perfectly to book real criminals. He leaves no stone unturned to study the case from every first day of its occurrence.
Further, Lemmy makes everything look normal, and this is yet another quality, which attracts police officials to him. Every time a new case comes to his chamber, Lemmy looks all the more focused and committed to do the case analysis.
Lemmy Caution has got what others don’t have. He brings together crime events and criminal to stand at one place. While criminal or the suspect might thing that he is off with the crime, the stereoscopic eyes of Lemmy clearly shows that he’s there to nab him out rightly. Lemmy Caution, as the name suggests, is cautious about solving the sensitive crimes, no matter how critical or how simple they seem to appear.
There’s always other side of a story that relates to the crime, and it is this very story that Lemmy unveils through his investigations.
When there’s any crime reported in London and around, Lemmy comes into the picture, and he starts following the crime in the manner that is as professional and correct as it can be. He sees the crime from every good and bad angle, and only after making the most practical judgment, Lemmy gives the real shape. In the crimes related to murder, Lemmy seems to be more judgmental as he makes careful analysis. Lemmy is one hard core investigator who can resort to anything to get the criminal booked.