Kurt Wallander is a fictional character of the crime novel series created by Henning Mankell who has written several mystery novels. Kurt Wallander is a young law enforcement officer who was almost killed when an intoxicated man attempted to kill him with a knife.
The drunken man was arrested by Kurt Wallander and his partner when he tried to stab Kurt with a butcher’s knife. He was initially married to Mona and they had a daughter Linda, but the marriage was not successful.
After a few years, Mona left the home and Kurt finds his relationship quite difficult with his daughter Linda as she even tried to attempt suicide, when she was just fifteen years old.
Kurt’s relationships with his father are also portrayed troublesome, as he had issues with his dad for painting the same landscape for over seven thousand times. Furthermore, Kurt’s father did not like Kurt to enter the law enforcement department and was against his job of investigating cases.
Kurt Wallander – A Character
The writings of Henning Mankell have depicted Kurt to live a very boring lifestyle where he is in a habit of taking excessive junk food and alcohol. He is diabetic and keeps himself away from daily exercise and work outs. Additionally, he gets angry very soon and as a result, sometimes needs to struggle with situations.
Kurt has a few close friends who sometime help him in investigating cases and collecting the evidences in order to solve the mystery. Kurt was once sued for using excessive force as a law enforcement officer which disheartens him, at times, from becoming a police officer. He had unintentionally shot a person in the fog who got killed and Kurt was guilty for this accident.
Kurt also has an inconsistent love relationship with Baiba Liepa who stays in Riga and they met while Kurt was investigating a murder case.
Several novels of Kurt Wallander became so popular that they were translated into English. Some of these popular novels included Mordare Utan Ansikte, Hundarna I Riga, Den Vita Lejoninnan, Mannen Som Log, Villospar, Den Femte Kvinnan, Steget Efter, Brandvagg, Innan Frosten, Den Orolige Mannen and Pyramiden to name a few.
The Troubled Man
The novel “Den Orlige Mannen” was translated to English as “The Troubled Man” and became a popular series amongst the readers. This novel portrays a story about his daughter Linda’s father in law, Hakan Von Enke who was a Swedish navy Officer and suddenly goes missing during his daily walk.
This case was given to Kurt Wallander, but it becomes quite personal for him as it was associated with his daughter. He quickly discovers that the killers regarding the case were hired from Eastern Europe and while investigating he makes out several other big secrets, as well. Additionally, some reports reveal that Kurt starting losing his memory which complicated the situation.
All the novels portray that Kurt Wallander has a unique way of dealing with crime and criminals which make him quite popular among the readers.