Lt. Horatio Caine is a fictional character from the television series CSI: Miami. Lt. Horatio is a crime lab lieutenant who is working in the capacity of a forensic analyst and former homicide detective and bomb squad officer in the Miami-Dade crime lab. Horatio is very committed and concerned about his team. He’s addressed by the letter “H,” an all of his team members love to cal him by this letter.
Lt. Caine is serious about his profession, and moreover, he strives hard to keep the reputation of his lab concerned on the top, and all of this is done, because Caine has culled enough experience through the acts of stained younger brother Ray.
Owing to his concerning attitude towards the team members, Caine helps them out on many occasions. Especially, during several episodes of the series “One of Our Own”, and “Internal Affairs,” when the staff comes under the suspicion, it is Horatio who comes to their rescue and helps them to remove the blemishes put on the individual character. This is a hard job, and Caine makes every effort to do it with complete professionalism.
Lt. Horatio Caine is a commissioned police officer, and he has his own badge & gun. He is a superb professional, and doesn’t hesitate to use threat and deadly force, if the need arises. What’s more, Horatio strongly advocates capital punishment for serious and heinous crimes committed against the humanity. In case a serious need arises, he is of the disposition where he threatens the culprit to advocate capital punishment.
During the initial seasons of the series, you find Lt. Horatio Caine a 9MM Beretta Cougar while on duty. In the subsequent season 3, you see Horatio carrying SIG-Sauer P229. It is seen that Horatio is also concerned about proper maintenance of his arms and ammunition, and there’s reason for it. In one of the cases, team member Tim Speedle got killed because the gun misfired back, and all this happened because of poor maintenance of his gun. Therefore, from this very incident, Horatio has become serious ion the maintenance of gun.
In the later series, “Under the Influence” and episode 303, Lt. Horatio Caine selects Officer Ryan Wolfe as the best replacement of Tim Speedle due to just one single reason that Wolfe was too obsessed about his firearm.
But again, it is seen that Horatio fires Wolfe because he goes lenient on the investigation part and honesty, and moreover, he has colossal gambling debts on his head. Further, Wolfe has also broken the rules.
But, despite all these misdoings and misappropriations, Horatio wants to give Wolfe the chance to improve his behaviour and bring professional quality in him.
Horatio reviews all of the Wolfe’s files to include him in the team. Finally when the Season 2 and episode 223 ends, to follow murder suspect, and in the process he meets Detective Mac Taylor and his team. Horatio is no doubt, the most popular character of all the CSI TV series, viz-a-viz CSI: Miami episode 407, “Felony Flight,” CSI: NY episode 207, “Manhattan Manhunt.”