Francis Xavier aka “Frank” Pempleton, is a popular fictional homicide detective on the television drama series “Homicide: Life on the Street.” The role of Frank is efficiently played by Emmy Award winning actor Andre Braugher during the first six seasons. Frank is marked as the signature character of the series, and is based by Emmy Award winning actor Andre Braugher.
Frank is known for his skills to solve gruesome murder cases and the cases related to Homicide. He is one of the key Homicide detectives, and you’d find him working through his intellect, brain rather than his weaponry system.
During the initial series, it is divulged that Frank is born into a Catholic family in New York City. Though he other brothers and sisters, but they are not seen or come into the picture anywhere in the show. Frank got his primary school education from Catholic elementary school. Later he went to Jesuit high school for seeking higher education. In one of the statements, Frank categorically marked, “the Jesuits taught me how to think,” and this statement comes up all through the series after intervals of time.
Other attributes and incidents that relate to Frank’s life include his detailed study about the Catholic theology, and good command over Latin and Greek languages. Frank is a multidisciplinary detective who’s well read, well-informed and uses practical aspects while investigating the case. We are also told that Frank met his future wife named Mary at Great Lawn in Central Park, just after he graduated from Police Academy at the age of 24. It is told that after marriage both Frank and Mary moved to Baltimore as there was little scope of improvement in the NYPD.
Eventually, Frank started working in Baltimore police department, ands he enjoyed his work, meanwhile, Mary was occupied as a lobbyist out there. She was earning well, more than Frank did, and often moved between Baltimore and Washington. Mary’s family lived in Washington.
Frank started early and become a successful detective. Soon, at the age of 30 he was comfortably handling the Homicide unit of his department. Frank was devoted to his profession, and he liked it more than just anything. He was the one who would never allow a heartless murdered go loose in front of his eyes, and would therefore indulge in all sorts of tactics to nab him.
For Frank, the whole world is black and white, and it is his job and responsibility to speak for the dead, as nobody else would speak for them. He is unbiased investigator, for him the death of a drug dealer is as serious a matter as death of the priest. His religiosity towards his profession is liked by the people of his department.
As per the investigative protocols set forth by Frank for the investigation purposes, every death matters a lot, and has to be taken seriously. One cannot simple let go the murder of a bad character for the good one. Frank was the real detective and a man of his attitude.