Detective Chief Inspector Endeavour Morse is a famous fictional detective character of the crime novels created by Colin Dexter. The character of Inspector Morse became incredibly popular among the people that a television series of 33 episodes was also released starring John Thaw as the main lead character, Inspector Morse.

In Oxford, England, Morse works as a senior Criminal Investigation Department officer who drives Jaguar, is crazy for beer, like playing crossword puzzles and is fond of classic cars.

Morse has been portrayed as a music lover, especially when it comes to opera and Wagner. He is a man who deals with criminals in his own manner and has a very heated temperament.


Endeavour Morse is known by his last name and most of the times, when someone asks his first name he jokes and says “Inspector”. Morse’s mother was a Quaker and his father was an admirer of Captain James Cook. Morse has been portrayed as a crossword game lover, this is due to the reason that Dexter loves playing these puzzles and he named his character after the name of his biggest rival as a clue writer “Sir Jeremy Morse”.

In one of the episodes, it is revealed that Morse’s parents got divorced when he was just twelve years old, but he lives with his mom till he gets fifteen and then his mother dies. His father marries a lady Gwen with whom Morse keeps a very hard relationship. He also has a half sister, Joyce and most of the time he reads poetry to annoy his step mother.

Gentleman Detective

Endeavour Morse has been portrayed as a gentleman detective who reflects a clear picture of upper middle class English person. He has a unique way of dealing with criminal cases and his assistant, Lewis facilitates him while investigating for several cases. His relationships with both women and authority have been kept uncertain and this is the reason that several critics have also called him as a misogynist.

In several episodes, Morse has been shown pointing out spelling mistakes in the written private documents which clearly depicts that he is a very intelligent man that keeps particularly an eye on spelling and grammatical errors.

Many readers of Endeavour Morse’s novels believe that most of the times he uses his intuitions to get to the bottom of the case which are almost true and his memory facilitates him to trap the actual criminal.

He uses his intelligence to prove the innocence of the suspect who is generally arrested by the law enforcement officers. The quality of Endeavour Morse as a gentleman detective and his strong intuitions make him quite popular among the readers as well as the viewers.

Apart from the famous television series, Endeavour Morse also appeared in different novels written by Colin Dexter like “Last Bus to Woodstock”, “Last Seen Wearing”, “The Dead of Jericho”, “The Riddle of the Third Mile”, “The Secret of Annexe 3”, “The Wench is Dead”, “The Jewel That Was Ours”, “The Way Through the Woods”, “The Daughters of Cain” and “The Remorseful Day” to name a few.

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