Dr. Mark Sloan is an amazingly classic drama and a murder television show named “Diagnosis Murder”, which became popular all through its live telecast starting from the year 1993 till the year 2001. Dr. Mark Sloan, as told in the series is an experienced medical examiner and the pathologist, who holds subtle eye on the crime and the forensic aspects.
Dr. Sloan, as he is popular by this name, is a powerful character who is entrusted the task of carrying out forensic research and development by taking into the consideration different aspects of crime. He is helped in the task by his able and beautiful acolyte Dr. Amanda Bentley. She is working under Dr. Mark Sloan as medical examiner and the pathologist.
You will come across the immense level of faithfulness shown explicitly by Dr. Amanda Bentley to her superior Dr. Mark Sloan. There are references to Dr. Sloan’s life elsewhere in the series.
One comes to know about his profession as he is into the field of medicine for more than 40-years, and occupies the designation of chief of internal medicine at Community General Hospital, besides acting the consultant to the LAPD.
His family is the family of cops. His father was once the police detective, and because of his long family antecedents to police and investigation, he often refers to himself as amateur sleuth.
One also comes to know about Dr. Mark Sloan sister gradually as the detective series progresses. Dr. Sloan’s sister name is Dora, and she owns her private travel agency. Further, Stacey is younger brother of Dr. Sloan who runs a malt shop in Arkansas, who shows the tendency to sleepwalk.
There are many occasions in the series where Dr. Sloan goes to meet his brother and sister. This shows the Dr. Sloan is a family loving personality altogether.
Dr. Mark Sloan is good at forensic examination, and just by biochemical analysis, he’s able to speak a lot about the crime events and the occurrence of the crime. This helps the Los Angeles police to track down the criminals. Dr. Sloan is the man of science, and for him everything is science.
For example, when he examines a dead body which has come to his clinic for examination and analysis, he just looks at the physical aspects of the body and brings out clear cut details on what might have happened at the crime scene and how murder had actually been committed.
Again, there are lots of references about Dr. Mark Sloan’s personal and past life. He had served the US Army during the Korean War just to earn money to pay for his medical schooling.
We also come to know that Dr. Sloan is a widower as he lost his wife Katherine, around 10-years back. His wife suffered from cancer, and she succumbed to the disease. Mark is survived by son named Steve and daughter named Carol Sloan Hilton.
While Dr. Sloan’s son lives with him at Malibu beach house, her daughter is a nurse who’s living in Northern California.